NIHR BioResource Centre - Exeter

The NIHR BioResource in Exeter facilitates research to improve the diagnosis and treatment of rare and common diseases.

Based within the NIHR Exeter Clinical Research Facility, we aim to offer people in Devon the opportunity to contribute to an important national resource, and anyone over the age of 16, with or without a health condition, can join via this local centre.

Working closely with clinical colleagues enables us to identify and recruit participants with a range of common and rare diseases (such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease and IgA Neuropathy), while our regular public outreach programmes help to identify the healthy volunteers, who are also needed.

Using local Clinical Expertise, we have recently become the lead site for a new cohort of participants diagnosed with a rare type of diabetes called Monogenic Beta Cell Diabetes.

We hope to expand recruitment to the rare disease cohorts as specific local clinical expertise is identified.

Read more at our local website

Research Innovation Learning & Development Building at Exeter
The Research Innovation Learning & Development Building, Exeter


Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Exeter EX2 5DW

[email protected]

01392 408172

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