Reducing and preventing illness and disease can bring untold benefits to us all, which is why we are encouraging schools to take part in this exciting research study. We are creating a 'panel' of genetic information to help scientists study the role that genes play in long-term health in order to develop treatment and understand prevention.
To achieve this, we are working in partnership with the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, which is a leading national charity supporting children and young people’s mental health through innovative therapeutic practice, training and research. Together we aim to recruit pupils aged 11-15 to take part in the Young People’s BioResource, with consent from their parents/guardians.
Pupils will be asked to answer a short questionnaire about their health and provide a sample of their saliva using a collection kit, which will be posted to their home. This is on the condition that their parent/guardian consents, as well as the pupil giving assent to take part in the study. The sample and information will then be used to help better understand, treat and prevent diseases. Pupils will also be invited to take part in future research studies they may wish to join, however there is no obligation to do so.
Information about the project will be sent to parents/guardians via their school. Pupils will then be able to give assent and sign up once they have the consent of their parent/guardian.
Schools do not need to collect consent.
By taking part, your education setting will play a pivotal role in the future of medical treatment.
We recognise that teachers and school leaders are extremely busy so we have streamlined the application process. In addition, if your school participates in the Young People’s BioResource, your setting will have the opportunity to benefit from:
- Participation in a pioneering study
- Free mental health staff training from the Anna Freud Centre
- An educational session led by our BioResource team
- Careers talks for pupils wanting to pursue a career in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Pupils who join the BioResource also having the opportunity to participate in a Youth Ambassadors programme
Find out more & register your interest
Email us if you are interested in taking part or would like more information on the Young People's BioResource
If you would like to print a copy of the above information you can download a PDF version here.