There's hope in your DNA
Why do some people get sick and others dont? We’re the National Institute of Health Research, and we’re partnering with Anna Freud to find out.
By building a library of young people’s DNA and health data, we’re supercharging research into sickness and health, leading to new cures that could saves lives. And you could be part of it.
Register your interest
We are dedicated to the improvement of physical and mental health in young people and to reduce the risk and impact of chronic illness.
68% of young people with illnesses would benefit from early intervention
68% of young people with illnesses would benefit from early intervention
68% of young people with illnesses would benefit from early intervention
68% of young people with illnesses would benefit from early intervention
68% of young people with illnesses would benefit from early intervention
What we're doing
Research into the origins of disease has revealed that most start in childhood, yet most health research is carried out in adults. We are therefore missing clues and opportunities to help prevent illnesses in children and in the adults they will become. This research will help us understand what makes us healthy and what causes us to develop a health condition or disease. Learn more about how genetics affects health. Or, watch our video below for an overview
Learn more about how genetics affects health. Or, watch our video below for an overview.
Who we are renamed
Previously known as the Young People's BioResource and launching in full in 2023, the DNA, Children + Young People's Health Resource (D-CYPHR) is about young people taking part in health research studies that involve genetics. These studies will help improve the health of children and young people living with a wide range of health conditions. #DCYPHR
How it works
We’ve broken the D-cyhpr programme down into six steps to help young people, parents/guardians and teachers learn more about what it involves:
Registering your interest
Sign up to join the D-Cyphr programme by completing an expression of interest form -
Receive your information pack
An explaining sentence goes here -
Complete the consent and assent forms
Complete the questionnaire
Provide a saliva sample
Take part in future research or withdraw
Frequently asked questions
Below are some questions that we often receive about the D-cyphr programme
If you still have a question that you can't see the answer to, get in touch with us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to help.
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