Using our BioResource

Researchers background image, diagram of scientists

You can screen our samples from more than 150,000 participants for your genes or variants of interest before you select participants.

If you tailor participants, studies into the causes of many diseases that previously would have proven too costly or time-consuming can become achievable. 

See our current studies

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Person head and shoulders overlaid against 1s and 0s representing genetic data

Academic Researchers 

Select participants based on defined characteristics, refine your analysis and increase your success rate.

Academic researchers from around the world have made significant discoveries using samples and data from our unique BioResource participants, with their defined genotypes and phenotypes. 

Support for Academics

Group of scientists at a lab bench discuss samples and research

Industry Researchers 

Providing access to our unique participants, the BioResource is designed to make your research and development more efficient.

With a single consent, a single repository, and a single database, our samples and data have been developed to accelerate discovery in your disease research.

Working with industry

Illustration of people arranged as pie chart to illustrate populations

Our cohorts

Our cohorts cover these main areas: Common Diseases, Rare Diseases and    Healthy Populations . Due to the specialist work needed to support COVID research we have a special section for that too.

About our cohorts

Woman at microscope - illustration

Our support for you

Are you interested in obtaining NIHR BioResource support for your study?

Find out how

How we help


participants have joined us to help uncover the causes of disease 


research publications since 2009 supported by the BioResource and our participants


samples that help researchers in their work to tackle disease

Studies using the BioResource

Our approved studies have led to significant scientific publications: as of 2020, we have supported more than 50 studies

Show me all studies

Young child holding breathing apparatus over nose and mouth

NIHR BioResource for ill children 

The study shows genetic conditions are frequent in intensively ill children. DNA sequencing might be a first-line diagnostic tool for some intensively ill children. Recruiting families to the Rare Disease BioResource might help with care for patients and their families.  

Read the news story

Crowds of people formed into a DNA helix shape

Genomes and coronavirus

The NIHR BioResource is partnering with GenOMICC and Genomics England and others to study the genetic code of thousands of patients severely ill with coronavirus. The work will indicate whether a person’s genetics may influence their susceptibility to the virus.

Read the news story

Get in touch

We welcome enquiries:

You can call us on  0800 090 22 33  or email us at [email protected]

There's more information on our contact page

Our 13 centres across England welcome enquiries

Interested in working with us?  See our careers page


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