Showing articles 28-36 of 98
We’re GLAD to mark Time to Talk Day

NAFLD BioResource celebrates ‘Love Your Liver' awareness month

NIHR BioResource partners with Our Future Health on pilot phase of research programme

RNA sequencing for greater understanding of rare genetic diseases
New year, new career?

New Cystic Fibrosis project open and recruiting participants

Thousands of blood and saliva samples are helping research

NIHR IBD BioResource celebrates Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Week (1-7 Dec)

Michael and Tish's story with the COVID-19 BioResource

We are at the heart of efforts to improve healthcare and the long-term prevention and treatment of disease.
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The enthusiasm, commitment and contribution of the thousands of people who have already joined us our help our medical researcher partners to uncover the causes of disease.
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