Showing the latest 475 publications
Publications 431-440 of 475
Widespread seasonal gene expression reveals annual differences in human immunity and physiology
Dopico, X., Evangelou, M., Ferreira, R., Guo, H., Pekalski, M., Smyth, D., et al.
Nature Communications
Human phenotype ontology annotation and cluster analysis to unravel genetic defects in 707 cases with unexplained bleeding and platelet disorders
Westbury, S., Turro, E., Greene, D., Lentaigne, C., Kelly, A., Bariana, T., et al.
Genome Medicine
Lipid-induced epigenomic changes in human macrophages identify a coronary artery disease-associated variant that regulates PPAP2B Expression through Altered C/EBP-beta binding
Reschen, M., Gaulton, K., Lin, D., Soilleux, E., Morris, A., Smyth, S., et al.
PLoS genetics
Effective recruitment of participants to a phase I study using the internet and publicity releases through charities and patient organisations: analysis of the adaptive study of IL-2 dose on regulatory T cells in type 1 diabetes (DILT1D)
Heywood, J., Evangelou, M., Goymer, D., Kennet, J., Anselmiova, K., Guy, C., et al.
Evaluating the consent preferences of UK research volunteers for genetic and clinical studies
Kelly, S., Spector, T., Cherkas, L., Prainsack, B., Harris, J.
PloS One
A pleiotropy-informed Bayesian false discovery rate adapted to a shared control design finds new disease associations from GWAS summary statistics
Liley, J., Wallace, C.
PLoS genetics
Identification and functional characterization of G6PC2 coding variants influencing glycemic traits define an effector transcript at the G6PC2-ABCB11 locus
Mahajan, A., Sim, X., Ng, H., Manning, A., Rivas, M., Highland, H., et al.
PLoS genetics
Sustained in vivo signaling by long-lived IL-2 induces prolonged increases of regulatory T cells
Bell, C., Sun, Y., Nowak, U., Clark, J., Howlett, S., Pekalski, M., et al.
Journal of Autoimmunity
FcγRIIb inhibits immune complex-induced VEGF-A production and intranodal lymphangiogenesis
Clatworthy, M., Harford, S., Mathews, R., Smith, K.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
A method for gene-based pathway analysis using genomewide association study summary statistics reveals nine new type 1 diabetes associations
Evangelou, M., Smyth, D., Fortune, M., Burren, O., Walker, N., Guo, H., et al.
Genetic Epidemiology